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  • Writer's picturesuhailisyaf

Tiny but Enormous?

Updated: Nov 5, 2020

Hello there, galaxy brainers (*insert meme)! Welcome to my blog!

This is my first entry. Kind of nervous to start something that I always wanted to do but never had the guts to actually doing it. Anyways, it's 2020- haha almost to 2021. But I guess, it's better late than never? So, in my first entry, I wanted to tell or more like sharing what I have learned recently from the course I am taking- NANOTECHNOLOGY! I was super impressed with how small nanoscale is and how it works and changes my perspective on everything I see now.

Before Feynman's discovery of this nano-dimension.

Wait, stop right there. Who's this Feynman?

This is a picture of Richard Feynman, the great scientist and physicist who explores the quantum realm. Basically, he's the guy who believes that there's so much more to unleash in this world where leads him to discover the door to nano-dimension (the topic that we are going to talk about in this entry).

Okay, let's start again, shall we?

Before Feynman's discovery of this nano-dimension, most people are against his theory because they thought it's impossible to get down to "that scale". Well, quoting from the famous quote by Nelson Mandela- "Nothing is impossible until it's done." Thanks to Feynman who is determined to unseal the doorway to this path. We are now heading to the new future!

Are you excited? Cause I am! Okay, put your seatbelt on. We are taking off soon!

All entities in this world are made up of particles. The assembly of these particles made an object. For instance, we, humans are made up of cells- cells are the small particles that assemble to become tissues- tissues are combined to become an organ- organs are gathered to become a system. So, we are the system that is incorporated from smaller particles. Glory be to the Lord of the world!

Nanoparticles are considered a novel finding in the research world.

So, what’s a nanoparticle?

Nanoparticles are the smallest size of particles that have been discovered by scientists. The size of nanoparticle in comparison to 1 meter is

1 billion nanometer = 1 metre

It is too tiny that it cannot be seen by our naked eyes. Let’s assume 1 nanoparticle is equivalent to marble, then 1 meter of marbles would make the size of the moon. WOW! Amazing, right? The discovery of nanoparticles has unlocked the door to another dimension.

Why is it significant to understand the small-sized particles? Does it make any difference?

Well, the answer is- yes! But, how?

Interestingly, the smaller the size of a particle, the larger the surface area to volume ratio of the particles.

IMAGINE a ping pong ball and a basketball, dip these balls in a bucket of water. Which ball is going to get soaked with water first? The ping pong ball, right? Why?

IMAGINE a small cloth and a large cloth. Soaked these two clothes in water and hang them to dry. Watch and observe which cloth dries faster. I bet you know the answer. The small cloth, yes?

W H Y?

This is because, when the size of an object is reduced-- the volume of the particles reduces rapidly than the surface area. The surface area of a small object exposed more to the water than the large object as the size is smaller. Therefore, this explains why the nanoparticles have a larger surface area per unit volume despite its tiny size.

Reduction in the size of particles affects-

1. Physical properties

2. Reactivity

Particles are arranged in a lattice form. This is the general view of a particle arrangement. That cute white balls are the particles. These particles are connected to each other by bonding. As the size of a particle is reduced, more cute white balls (particles) are exposed to the surrounding. A material (composite) that is made up of nanoparticles are additionally sturdy than the existing model.

The reason is nanoparticles have a larger surface area that can exert and withstand forces greater than big particles. Because nanoparticles have more cute white balls or the surface area interacting with the surrounding.

Also, due to that reason, nanoparticles are more reactive than bulk particles. Even an inert material can be chemically reactive when scaling down to nanoparticles. Remarkably, the quantum realm or nano-dimension applies a distinct principle than the bulk dimension that we are living in. There's still so much more to explore and understand in the quantum realm.

Feel free to share more of what you understand and appreciate with me at the comment section. And, if there's anything that you want me to improve please also let me know. Still a newcomer in this arena, and would love to learn more.

Thank you! See you in the next entry. Be safe wherever you are and be kind to whoever you meet. Till then, bye!

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